now available: Haiku 2021

I’m very pleased to announce that Haiku 2021, edited by Lee Gurga and I, is now available from Modern Haiku Press. As usual, the book features 100 ku by 100 poets, all of which were published in 2020. This year, Philip Rowland wrote the Introduction. Philip is the editor of NOON: journal of the short poem, the author of Something Other Than Other, and before music, and is one of the editors of Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years. Philip is also the author of numerous insightful and inspiring essays about haiku in English and short poetry: “A Dialogue on the Experimental,” “From Haiku to the Short Poem: Bridging the Divide,” “Avant-Garde Haiku: A New Outlook,” and “Surrealism & Contemporary Haiku -Or- Surreal Haiku?” He also wrote the introduction for my own collection of poems, lakes & now wolves. From Philip’s Introduction:

Haiku 2021 unfolds as a series of flashes of insight
and facets of language, a remarkable range
of minimalist poetic possibilities.”
